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Posts for Tag: autumn

I Know That Look...

I'm not sure what Bucky McDeerface is thinking here, but I don't think I like it!

I See You...

That moment when you realize that your quarry is onto you...

God-Rays In Autumn Trees

A great photo opportunity occurred on an Autumn morning in Bernheim Forest. It had been a hotter than normal week but then a passing cold front brought showers through the nignt and much colder temperatures in the morning. All of this had the effect of causing rising water vapor everywhere. Water vapor plus the rising sun lead to an opportunity to capture god-rays in a landscape shot.

Blue Visitor In Golden Forest

Though they are large birds, the Heron in this photo seems small against the large bank of autumn foliage. Though getting an eyeball on a Heron is a relatively new experience for me, I had no idea they would alight on skinny tree branches.

A Cabin In The Woods..

Actually a lot bigger than a cabin, the Bernheim Forest Education Center sits nestled in the surrounding autumn color. Kinda makes me feel sorry for the people who don't get to live in Kentucky..

A Symphony Of Color

It's as if the statue by George Grey Barnard was conducting a symphony of color. Taken this morning, shortly after sunrise. The dreary gray sky helped with the saturation of the colors.

Rare Turtle

The extremely rare, almost mythical, Pumpkin Spice Turtle (testudo graeca cucurbita spice). They are rarely seen in the wild but a lucky few may get to see one in mid to late October when they are migrating to their winter homes...

The poor guy's arms are too short to knock that ant off of his nose!