Butterfly Stops To Smell The Roses, er.. Japanese Snowball Bush This plant has an incredible fragrance. Apparently, butterflies like it too.
A Noisy Bird Might have to crank up the volume to really hear this guy. He seemed to be really intent on expressing himself. Download 4_14_10_11_32_AM.mp3
Urban Sprawl Those darn developers just keep building, and building, and building... What a bunch of bird-brains.
Ink Blot Test This is like an ink blot test with no correct answer. It's the reflection of some trees with Autumn color in a lake.
House Of A Thousand Shadows Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow. -- T.S. Eliot 'The Hollow Men'
Yet Another Butterfly Not my favorite of the butterfly photos but the bokeh is almost, well, buttery!
Golden Giants I guess that during the rest of the year these are jolly green giants but they're looking pretty golden right about now. Another shot from the Bernheim Forest, Kentucky.
Nature's Stained Glass A butterfly at Bernheim Forest, in Kentucky, just sitting there being colorful. They'll do that, you know...