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Posts for Tag: tom Sawyer Park

Butterflies At Tom Sawyer Park

Two of the butterflies I saw this past weekend in Tom Sawyer Park

This first one, which is one of the varieties of Black Swallowtail, had huge wings. They were larger than any of the other Black Swallowtails I had previously seen. 

This Monarch butterfly was nice enough to stay in a dark area where the light could still shine through its wings. 

Rare Turtle

The extremely rare, almost mythical, Pumpkin Spice Turtle (testudo graeca cucurbita spice). They are rarely seen in the wild but a lucky few may get to see one in mid to late October when they are migrating to their winter homes...

The poor guy's arms are too short to knock that ant off of his nose!

Nature Walk

You know, I swore, swore, swore that I would stick to still photography and not venture into videography. My reasons were many: too time consuming, can't use popular music due to licensing issues, don't want a second camera, editing software is too expensive and you need a master's degree in knob-twiddling to use it, files are too big, the process is slow and grueling, etc., etc., etc... Then along comes a $20 app for the iPad (and iPhone) that squashes every reason I had to stay away from videography except for the availability of popular music. Well, it turns out that nature videos don't really need popular music so, now I've gone and done it.. Dipped my toe in video.

Still very amateurish, but kinda has a Cinéma Vérité feel to it. I also have much to learn about the iPad app but, wow! talk about bang for the buck. LumaFusion, check it out on the iOS app store.

If you are not fortunate to live close to an area with forest creatures, I made this video for you...

Unusual Butterfly

One I have not run into before. A Gulf Fritillary with the sun shining through its wings. This is about as far north as they go.