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Posts for Tag: tom Sawyer Park

The Other Side Of The Park

The seedy underbelly of Tom Sawyer Park? Built into the side of a hill, it almost looks like a bunker. What was the purpose of these brick walls?

Turkey Vulture - Juvenile

You can't take it too personally when you find yourself surrounded by a family of turkey vultures. At least "junior" here was willing to pose for photos. The rest of the family was a little more reserved.

Waiting For The Sun

No idea what these are, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are weeds. In any case, they are growing in a very flooded area of Tom Sawyer Park. They have all the water they need, so they're just waiting for the sun.

Nothing Goes To Waste

A little Tufted Titmouse gathers fur from a fox carcass for use in its nest. I watched this guy for quite a while and he (or she) was quite tenacious about pulling that fur up.

Eastern Towhee

The Eastern Towhee is a really neat looking little bird that is difficult to get a clear view of because they love to be deep in the sticks. They have very warm colors that might remind you of a fancy coffee drink, but their call sounds like, "Drink your tea!"


Seems that if I'm going to post a rabbit photo (one post before this one) I better post a turtle photo as well. Both critters seen on the same day, not too far apart. The thing I like about turtles is that I can outrun them.



While I was walking in the woods recently, I saw two large bunnies. One of them didn't run away instantly.

Best Buds

Nothing too special about this photo. I just liked the colors. Felt like I was looking through stained glass.

Snappy Dresser

Nice red suit, Mr. Cardinal bird, but I really like the hat!

Rare - Somewhat Dangerous Animal

Legend has it that if you gaze directly into the eyes of this creature for too long, you will be turned into wood. Nemorosus Nemus Creatura can be found in remote wooded areas throughout the midwestern United States. While you should not look at them in the wild, looking at this photo won't hurt you--much...

Early Bloom

A Bradford Pear tree offers some early blooms. I like the feeling of purity this photo conveys.

First Signs

Ah, yes.. The first sign of Spring is when the Robins start eating the tennis balls. I have never seen such a round bird. Perhaps this is a "Round Robin"? :-)

Full size "download" version makes a nice desktop, if you like little birds on your desktop.

Somebody's Watching Me

Every time I go to the eye doctor he tells me that I don't see very well. That is probably true, but I guess I can see well enough to know when somebody is watching me. I had paused while hiking through the woods because I was tired and realized I was going to have to walk up yet another hill. About that time I started to get the feeling that I wasn't alone. I had been looking down at the settings on my camera so I raised my head slowly and saw this beautiful doe just staring at me. She let me take many photos, but I liked this one the best because it was difficult to focus through the bushes to get her eyes sharp. Look at the eyes on this beauty in the next photo.

Don't forget, you can click the photo to see a larger size or to download the full size image.

Such beautiful eyes.

Smiling Redbird

Male cardinals really pop against the dead-brown background of the winter forest. Unfortunately, they are notorious for getting deep into the middle of a bunch of tangled branches/twigs and act very shy when photographers approach. Good luck using your autofocus here! At least this guy was nice enough to smile.


I believe this skull once belonged to a fox. Why it is hanging from a branch is a good question. I found it at eye-level as I was hiking through the woods. Don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but I had also discovered a dead red fox less than 100 yards away. They are beautiful animals that I'd much rather photograph while they are alive.

Shell Game

In 51 years I have never found an abandoned turtle shell. Now, in less than one month, I've found 2. Must be a sign. See the other one here

Somebody Lose Something?

Found this little disturbing piece while hiking today. Best I can tell it used to belong to a deer though I would appreciate hearing other possible alternatives. It had quite the set of chompers.

I don't mind if my skull ends up on a shelf as long as it's got my name on it.
~Debbie Harry

Now You're Just Showing Off!

A male Eastern Bluebird perched atop a flagpole-like branch. First bluebird I've seen this year. There were about 5 or 6 of them out in a grassy field but they were very shy and difficult to get close to.

Rockin' Robin

This little robin doesn't look like it has missed many meals this winter.