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Early Morning Deer Encounter

Even though it has happened quite often to me lately, I still get a bit of a thrill when I spot a nearby deer while hiking in the local state park. They are usually very easily frightened and bolt before I ever get to take a good look at them. Today, however, that was not the case. This doe spotted me before I spotted her (as usual) but when I did see her and aimed my camera, she did not run off. She was definitely on high alert, but she did not panic at the sound of my camera or my movements. She even let me shoot a little video before leaving the area. 

Because she was not in a hurry to leave, I was able to take my time while shooting. It was early in the morning, just minutes after a heavy rain, so the plants were all wet and very green, making for a misty, dreamy photo opportunity.


This deer was so agreeable that I was able to flip the right switches on my camera and capture a little video as well as all the photos I had taken.